About RVi Group

The Singapore-based RVi Group traced its successful roots from 1991 to date. The group’s aim is to develop people internationally capitalising on the unique innovative training, consultancy delivery systems through the network of companies across South-East Asia partners around the globe. Members of the RVi Group include RVi Institute, RVi Academies, RV International Publications Services (RVIPS) RVi Centres.

RVi Group has more than 20 years of experience in South East Asia. RVi Institute has been operating in Myanmar more than 20 years 10 years in Vietnam, Cambodia Sri Lanka. RVi Institute is responsible the placement of over 6,000 students overseas, primarily to Singapore in the 3 universities, 5 polytechnics other reputable private education institutions.

The publication arm of the group is active in the printing distribution of Straits Times International the China Daily. RVi Centres continues to be the centre that brings students from their home country to the overseas study destination of their choice.